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AI Product Development

Brad, the AI expert behind such projects as Kwola, Electric Brain, and SwiftlyAI, and long-term AI freelancer who has built a number of AI projects for a variety of clients over the years, can help you develop a new product using cutting edge AI technology!

Prototyping and Experimentation

Do you have a new concept or prototype for an AI product that you want to develop, but you'd like to start with some experimentation and prove out your idea before building a full product? Well with Brads' Prototyping and Experimentation service, Brad will work with you to bring your imagination to life!



Full MVP Development

With full MVP development, Brad will bring his many years of expertise in developing AI technology to help you launch a new product from start to finish. Brad will help you with such things as dataset collection and labeling, algorithm development, engineering and product design, operations, measurement, and quality control, all in support of developing and launching your AI technology

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